Turin Rail Node

Turin, northern Italy, 2004

Client Italferr Inc

A vast participation to the detail design of the new line and strategic hubs for the shifting underground of the rail system in Turin, comprising the underpassing of the Dora river, the Dora and Rebaudengo stations, the node of Statuto square and the underpassing of Corso Regina.

EDIN Infrastrutture Ferroviarie 1
EDIN Infrastrutture Ferroviarie 2
EDIN Infrastrutture Ferroviarie 3
EDIN S.r.l.

E.D.IN. Ltd.
Consulting Engineers

Via Casilina, 3/t
00182 - ROMA
Phone.: +39 06 5452591
Fax.: +39 06 54525939
Email: info@ediningegneria.com
Vat Number: 01275921003
Codice Fiscale: 04016070585

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