Bridges and viaducts of the ASTM group concessions

North Western Italy, in progress since 2018

Clients the various Concessionaries

The ASTM group concessions comprise ADF Autostrada dei Fiori Inc, SALT Società Autostrada Ligure Toscana Inc, S.A.V. Società Autostrade Valdostane Inc, S.A.T.A.P. Inc, Autovia Padana Inc, Autostrada Asti-Cuneo Spa, SITAF Inc. Scope of work, carried out in a continuous manner, is concerned with the review and validation of the inspection and assessment activities aimed at the works priority definition, check of the implementation of the corresponding planning, case study analyses of seismic response and of allowable traffic loads.

Opere d’arte delle concessioni del gruppo ASTM
Opere d’arte delle concessioni del gruppo ASTM
EDIN S.r.l.

E.D.IN. Ltd.
Consulting Engineers

Via Casilina, 3/t
00182 - ROMA
Phone.: +39 06 5452591
Fax.: +39 06 54525939
Vat Number: 01275921003
Codice Fiscale: 04016070585

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